Midwestern State University Team

Learning Contract


Margaret Greenhalgh & Brendan Wynne

Midwestern State University


Drs Yvonne Franke & Janet Wesselius

COPLAC Digital Humanities Project

Mission Statement

We intend to explore concepts of persecution, antagonist behavior, projection and rejection of cultural norms through the media of YouTube. We will look at how YouTube has created its own culture and norms within that culture. This will involve looking at how content creators evolve using user created feedback, both positive and negative. An aspect of how this feedback is used is the demographic which the Content Creator reaches. For instance, Tomi Lahren creates her videos for the specific purpose of antagonizing her viewers and spurring negative feedback. Thus, for her, a negative comment is a good thing? We will also look at how do ads affect views, and how does that affect reverberate through the content creators? We will look at how YouTube affects our culture through its own culture.


We will be creating a video approximately 8 minutes long. As such, this project will require the use of audio/visual equipment, as well as digital editing software. We will be using information directly from YouTube, a personal interview, as well as research done through MSU databases. We might use content created by channel producers, copyright allowing. We will need to create visual artifacts to represent our research and findings. We may find that we need to utilize other resources as we explore this project.

Feb. 27-March 3 Narrow selection of YouTube Content Creators/Begin research of individuals

March 6-10 Focus which portions of Individual research we will use/Begin psychology research

March 13-17 Finish background research/Begin meshing the two

March 20-24 Research available visual artifacts and copyright availability/Begin basic timeline     of video

March 27-31 Have Interview Complete/Edit for final cut

April 3-7 Begin visual collage/Basic first run of recording/Begin editing

April 10-14 Editing the two together

April 17-21 Final editing

April 24-28 Peer/instructor feedback & Final editing/presentation